Seoul Finance Snapshot #1 : Financial Holding Companies and Financial Investment Firms in Seoul 관리자 │ 2023-10-06 |
Seoul Financial Hub is pleased to announce the 'Seoul Finance Snapshot #1' which was first published in September 2023. 'Seoul Finance Snapshot' will provide information related to finance in Seoul, so we kindly request your interest and attention. In this issue, you can find information about domestic financial institutions centered around Seoul, as well as details about Seoul's financial holding companies and financial investment firms.
○ As of now, there are 1,264 financial companies in South Korea, which represents an approximate 15% increase compared to the previous year. Among them, fintech companies showed the highest growth rate at 31.2%. Out of these financial institutions, 1,125 of them, which accounts for 89%, are located in Seoul. Notably, in the Yeouido neighborhood of Yeongdeungpo-gu, where the Seoul Financial Hub is situated, approximately 42% of all financial institutions in Seoul are concentrated. ○ Regarding financial holding companies, 70% of the 11 nationwide companies are located in Seoul, while for financial investment firms, 95% of the 906 nationwide companies can be found in Seoul. If you click on the map, you can directly check the current status of financial institutions through Google Maps.
You can find detailed information in the infographic. |
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