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Seoul Finance Snapshot #5 : Insurance Business in Seoul

관리자 │ 2023-12-21

Seoul Finance Snapshot #5(November 2023)_EN.pdf

Seoul Finance Snapshot #5 / November 2023 / SEOUL FINANCIAL HUB 서울국제금융 오피스

Seoul Financial Hub is pleased to announce the release of 'Seoul Finance Snapshot #5,' delivering the latest financial news from Seoul. We kindly ask for your attention to this publication, where financial information about the city is provided.


In this issue, we introduce leading companies in the life and general insurance sectors based on their distribution in Seoul, total assets, and net profits.


Life insurance companies are institutions that handle insurance products created to protect against economic losses caused by accidents related to human life or health. Currently, there are 14 domestic life insurance companies in South Korea, with 93% of them located in Seoul. All 8 foreign life insurance companies are also based in Seoul. The leading domestic life insurance company based on total assets and net profit was found to be Samsung Life Insurance Company.

General insurance companies are institutions that sell insurance policies which promise to pay a sum of money in case of property damage caused by fire, theft, accidents, or negligence. Presently, there are 15 domestic general insurance companies in South Korea, with 93.3% located in Seoul. All 17 foreign general insurance companies are based in Seoul as well. The leading domestic general insurance company based on total assets and net profit was found to be Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance.


Detailed information can be found in the infographic,

and by clicking on the map, you can directly check the location status of each financial company in Seoul on Google Maps.

SEOUL MY SOUL / SEOUL FINANCIAL HUB 서울국제금융 오피스 / Life Insurance company - A life insurance company indicates an institution that handles insurance products created to protect against economic losses caused by accidents related to human life or health. Life insurance products are divided into individual insurance and group insurance based on the insured person. Individual insurance is further categorized into death insurance, survival insurance, and endowment insurance depending on the insurance policy. Since most life insurance contracts span several years to decades, policyholders accumulate premiums to prepare for future benefit payments. Part of the accumulated amount is efficiently managed as assets, often focusing on national period industries and long-term bonds. The financial function also includes distributing dividends to policyholders. / 
Of 14 life insurance companies nationwide, 13 (93%) are in Seoul - Seocho-gu, Gangnam-gu 3, Jongno-gu, Jung-gu 5, Yeouido 2, Others 4 / All 8 foreign life insurance companiesare in Seoul - Jongno-gu, Jung-gu 4, Seocho-gu, Gangnam-gu 2, Yeouido 2 / Top 3 Domestic Corporations by Assets (as of Mar. 2022) - 1st Samsung Life Insurance (296.4883 trillion won), 2nd Hanwha Life Insurance(128.1353 trillion won), 3rd Kyobo Life Insurance(116.0257 trillion won) / Top 3 Foreign Corporations by Assets (as of Mar. 2022) - 1st MetLife(24.5198 trillion won), 2nd ABL Life Insurance(20.2597 trillion won), 3rd Fubon Hyundai Life Insurance(20.2419 trillion won) / Life Insurance Company Map in Seoul - If you click on the map, you can use the map (google maps) of Life Insurance Company located in Seoul / Top 10 net income (one million) - 1 Samsung Life Insurance 357,026, 2 Kyobo Life Insurance 257,455, 3 Shinhan Life Insurance 157,669, 4 AIA Group 100,936, 5 LINA Life Insurance 86,441, 6 Fubon Hyundai Life 76,983, 7 KB Life Insurance 70,958, 8 Tong Yang Life Insurance 67,610, 9 Hanwha Life Insurance 50,873, 10 Nonghyup Life Insurance 43,049
SEOUL MY SOUL / SEOUL FINANCIAL HUB 서울국제금융 오피스 / General Insurance company - A general insurance company is an institution that sells insurance policies which promise to pay a sum of money in case of property damage caused by fire, theft, accidents, or negligence. It then uses the funds to invest in various way. Insurance products provided by general insurance companies are divided into 6 types based on the insured risks: fire, marine, automobile, guarantee, casualty, and long-term savings insurance. General insurance companies, compared to their life insurance counterparts, have relatively short-term policies and have difficulty predicting cash inflows and outflows. Thus, these companies tend to have a high proportion of cash and deposits in terms of cash flow, and invest the funds in securities, real estate, loans among others. / Of 15 general insurance companies nationwide, 14 (93.3%) are in Seoul - Jongno-gu, Jung-gu 8, Seocho-gu, Gangnam-gu 4, Yeouido 1, Others 2 / All 17 foreign general insurance companies are in Seoul - Jongno-gu, Jung-gu Yeouido 13, Yeouido 1, Others 3 / Top 3 Domestic Corporations by Assets (as of Mar. 2022) - 1st Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance(90.8675 trillion won), 2nd Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance(52.0034 trillion won), 3rd DBA Dongbu Insurance(50.8934 trillion won) / Top 3 Foreign Corporations by Assets (as of Mar. 2023) - 1st AXA General Insurance(1.0587 trillion won), 2nd Swiss Re Swiss Re Asia Pte. Ltd.(1.0582 trillion won), 3rd CHUBB ACE American Fire and Marine Insurance Company(980.2 billion won) / General Insurance Company Map in Seoul - If you click on the map, you can use the map (google maps) of General Insurance Company located in Seoul / Top 10 net income(one million) - 1 Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance 409,081, 2 Dongbu Insurance 279,958, 3 Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance 221,407, 4 KB Insurance 156,154, 5 Seoul Guarantee Insurance 152,799, 6 Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance 151,241, 7 Hanwha General Insurance 100,083, 8 Heungkuk Fire & Marine 48,602, 9 Korean Reinsurance 46,888, 10 NH Property and Casualty Insurance 34,335

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