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Seoul Financial Hub

Seoul Financial Hub

Visitation reservations

Information of the person you are visiting

  • ※ When making a visitation reservation for the purpose of using the facilities, please fill in the "Information of the person you are visiting" as the person in charge of the rental.
  • ※ Name: SFH Operation office, Phone number: 02-6346-2403, Company Name: Operation office
Information of the person you are visiting, Name, Phone number, Company name
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Visitor information

  • ※ All visitors must register individually.
  • ※For group visits (more than 15 people), please contact the secretariat first ( before registration
Visitor information, Name, Cell phone number, Date and time of visit, Purpose of visit
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Privacy statement

Privacy policy

We will make every effort to safeguard your sensitive personal data.

01 What is the policy regarding privacy?

  • Privacy Statement and Privacy Policy of Seoul Financial Hub
    Seoul Financial Hub aggressively protects the user's right by collecting, using, and providing personal information only with the user's agreement (the right to self-determination of personal information).
  • "Privacy Policy" refers to the rules that Seoul Financial Hub must follow in order to safeguard users' sensitive personal data and allow them to utilize the service with confidence.
  • Users can easily find and access this privacy policy at any time when using services run by Seoul Financial Hub.

02 Gathering of personal data

The users' personal data collected by Seoul Financial Hub includes the items listed below.
All users are able to use the services offered by Seoul Financial Hub, and by registering as a member, they can access a number of services.

  • Seoul Financial Hub follows the following guidelines while gathering user data.
    Seoul Financial Hub only gathers the bare minimum of personal data required to deliver services.
    Seoul Financial Hub only gathers the bare minimum of personal data required to deliver services. However, this data is dependent on the user's agreement at the time, and if further personal data is received from the user, he or she will be informed in advance and given the opportunity to give consent.
  • 1. When signing up as a personal member
    • • Name, email address, and password
  • 2. The following data may be automatically produced and gathered when using the service.
    • • IP address, cookie, visit date, service usage history, problematic usage history, device information, and browser information

Sensitive data is not gathered by Seoul Financial Hub.
Under no circumstances does Seoul Financial Hub gather sensitive information that may jeopardize users' priceless human rights, and if it is unavoidably collected in accordance with the requirements outlined by laws and regulations, prior authorization from the user is required.
In addition to membership registration, Seoul Financial Hub also gathers users' personal data through service use, event application, fax, phone, and customer center.

03 Use of personal information

  • What uses does Seoul Financial Hub make of personal data?
  • The following are the sole uses that Seoul Financial Hub will make of your priceless personal information. If those uses change, we will notify you beforehand and get your permission.
    • • It is used to recognize people who have registered as members, to verify their desire to join, and to stop bad members from using the system improperly.
    • • It is used to convey notices, answer user enquiries and complaints while they are using the service, and offer users with access to a variety of Seoul Financial Hub services.
    • • When new services are created or events are held, it is also utilized for information distribution, marketing, and advertising to let you know about participation options.
    • • In order to provide personalized services and improve services, it is also used to analyze the user's service usage history and frequency of access, as well as to use data on service use.
    • • In order to use paid services, it is used to gather card information for payment.
  • What uses does Seoul Financial Hub make of personal data?
  • From the moment of membership registration until the duration of service delivery, Seoul Financial Hub only uses a user's personal information in limited circumstances.
  • The user's personal information will be immediately destroyed if they request to be removed from the membership, withdraw their consent to the collection and use of their personal information, the objective of the collection and use is fulfilled, or the period of retention and use is over.
    In compliance with the requirements of applicable laws and regulations, we retain member information for a specific amount of time. You can review the specifics by using the following.
  • 1. Individual user data related to service use (service use record, access log, access IP information)
    • • Preservation Basis: Communications Secret Protection Act
    • • Retention time: 3 months
  • 2. Records displayed or promoted
    • • Preservation Basis: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.
    • • Retention time: 6 months
  • 3. Documents related to contract or subscription cancellations, etc.
    • • Preservation Basis: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.
    • • Retention time: 5 years
  • 4. Documents relating to consumer disputes or complaints
    • • Preservation Basis: Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.
    • • Retention time: 3 years

04 Disclosure of personal data

  • Personal information is given to third parties in the following ways to give users a better experience.
  • Users' personal information is exclusively used by Seoul Financial Hub for the purposes described in 02 Personal Information Collection and 03 Personal Information Use.
    Additionally, in general, the user's personal information is not shared with third parties, and when it must be shared, consent is requested in accordance with legal requirements.
    In the following situations, there are exclusions, though.
    • • This is an instance where a particular person is processed and presented in a way that makes them unidentifiable for statistical, academic, or market research needs.
    • • In this situation, a national institution like a court is required by law to demand that users divulge their personal information.
  • To safeguard the user's rights regarding the protection of personal information, we will notify them in the event that all or a portion of the business, or the rights and obligations of the service provider, are transferred through merger, inheritance, etc.

05 Disclosure of private information

For the purposes of service improvement, Seoul Financial Hub entrusts personal information in the manners listed below, and includes the terms necessary to ensure that personal information is safely maintained in consignment contracts in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

06 Personal information destruction

  • When and how does Seoul Financial Hub remove user-provided personal data?
  • After "the aim of gathering and use of personal information is fulfilled," Seoul Financial Hub commits to immediately delete the user's personal information.
  • Nevertheless, Seoul Financial Hub moves personal data to a different DB at the time of membership withdrawal, keeps it there for a predetermined amount of time in accordance with internal policies and relevant legislation, and then deletes it. In this situation, the personally identifiable data that has been saved separately will never be utilized for any other reason than to comply with laws and regulations.
  • Personal information printed on paper will be destroyed by crushing or incineration after the time period is ended, and it will be entirely obliterated using a technical way that cannot be replicated.

07 Others

  • Users' rights are protected by Seoul Financial Hub.
  • Users' rights are protected in the following ways by Seoul Financial Hub.
    • • Personal information will not be used or transmitted until the requested corrections have been made if you request their correction. Furthermore, if inaccurate personal information has already been sent to a third party, we will immediately let them know the outcome of the correction so that the necessary corrections can be made.
    • • When Seoul Financial Hub learns that someone else's personal information has been stolen, or when Seoul Financial Hub gets a request to suspend service use of the ID from a user who has noticed that someone else's personal information has been stolen, Seoul Financial Hub immediately suspends service use of the ID or immediately withdraws from membership.
  • Users have the option to reject cookies, and they are installed and operated.
  • A cookie is a small piece of data that the website's server (http), which runs it, transmits to the user's computer browser and stores on the user's PC computer's hard drive.
  • Cookies are used to identify the sorts of visits and usage of each service and website accessed by the user, search keywords discovered, and initial screen settings in order to offer users with optimum information.
  • Setting up, using, and rejecting cookies: By altering the settings in the Tools > Internet Options > Personal Information menu at the top of the web browser, you can choose not to save cookies.
  • You might have trouble enjoying tailored services if you refuse to store cookies.
  • The following measures are being taken by us to safeguard users' sensitive personal data.
  • The following steps are taken by Seoul Financial Hub to protect users' personal information, which is regarded as the most precious asset.
    • • Personal data of users is encrypted
      A password is used to safeguard user personal information, while other security features, such as file encryption and file locking, are used to protect sensitive information.
    • • We are making a lot of effort to safeguard you against computer viruses and hacking.
      The system is deployed in a location where access is restricted from the outside in order to prevent leakage or harm to users' personal information as a result of hacking or computer viruses. We work hard to prevent the system from becoming infected with the most recent malicious code or virus by installing a vaccine application, and we install a system that can detect and block hacker incursions and monitor them 24 hours a day. Additionally, we are always looking into new hacking and security technologies and incorporating them into our services.
    • • We restrict who has access to sensitive personal data as much as possible.
      By prohibiting the use of external Internet services on work PCs, we restrict the number of employees handling personal information and the danger of personal information leakage. Additionally, we have created organized guidelines for the creation and updating of passwords as well as access privileges for the databases that store and the systems that process personal information. We also regularly audit these systems.
    • • We regularly teach our staff members on how to protect users' private information.
      All of our workers who handle personal information get ongoing training and awareness campaigns on their responsibilities regarding the security and protection of such information.
  • However, we disclaim any liability for issues brought on by the user's personal negligence, including the disclosure of personal information such as an email address, password, or resident registration number, as well as for any problems resulting from inherent Internet hazards. When checking in from a public computer, be very careful not to reveal any personal information by constantly changing your password with security awareness.
  • We run a specialized business for the protection of personal information.
  • The following accountable individuals are designated and employed by Seoul Financial Hub to safeguard user data, respond to inquiries, and address grievances. We will always respond to your inquiries promptly and fully.
    • • Personal information management
    • • Contact number 02-6346-2403
    • • Email:
  • In addition, if you need to report or consult about personal information infringement, you can contact the following organizations for help.
    • • Personal Information Infringement Report Center (without area code) 118
    • • Information Protection Mark Certification Committee 02-550-9531~2
    • • Cybercrime Investigation Team, Supreme Prosecutors' Office 02-3480-3571
    • • National Police Agency Cyber ​​Terror Response Center (without area code) 182

Etc. Additional Policy

  • If any of the aforementioned changes are made, users will be informed via a notice on the Seoul Financial Hub at least seven days before the change takes effect. However, if there are any changes that are significant to the user's valuable rights or obligations, we will give you at least 30 days' notice.
  • Date of Privacy Policy's Commencement: January 5, 2021