preliminary approval,Investment Advisory Business Entities
Registration process andElectronic Financial Business
Registration process andGeneral private equity fund business
Registration process andForeign banks looking to open a branch in Korea need to follow different procedures according to the two types of branches they want to open.
You should go through different preliminary authorization and authorization procedures depending on whether you’re opening your first branch in the country or additional branches.
Foreign banks applying for establishing their first branch in Korea should obtain preliminary authorization and authorization.
The documents required for obtaining preliminary authorization are as follows.
Here are some requirements that the headquarters of a foreign bank must meet.
The documents required for obtaining authorization for opening the first bank branch are as follows.
The documents required for preliminary authorization for the establishment of additional bank branches are as follows.
The documents required for preliminary authorization for the establishment of additional bank branches are as follows.
For more information, please check the video below
What are some of the things that companies managing an investment advisory business overseas should consider when entering Korea?
Just like other overseas asset management companies, they should first register with the financial authority of Korea to establish an investment advisory business in the country.
Investment advisory companies are categorized into investment advisory business entities and discretionary investment business entities according to the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act.
Special caution is required because the requirements applicants vary according to the type of business and work performed.
Applicants should have an understanding of what investment advisory business and discretionary investment business are.
Advisory business refers to the business of providing advice on investment decisions in financial investment instruments.
Discretionary investment business refers to the business of acquiring and disposing of financial investment instruments with authorization from investors for discretionary judgment over the financial investment instruments.
The registration procedures are the same as overseas asset management companies.
There are a total of 5 registration steps.
There are a total of 6 requirements reviewed by the FSS
For more information, please check the video below
For a financial institution or a company to operate an electronic financial business in Korea, you should first apply for registration with the Financial Supervisory Service. After registration, applicants must go through an inspection on qualifications including capital and financial soundness.
Let's take a look at the seven requirements that FSS focuses on when examining the electronic financial industry.
First, it’s important for applicants to meet capital requirements. Information on capital can be confirmed through each company's certificate of paid-in capital, and the minimum capital requirement is different for each type of electronic financial transaction company.
Next is financial soundness. The supporting documents applicants have to submit include evidence on financial soundness, including financial statements and income statements.
We ask applicants to take their time to read through the requirements thoroughly since the requirements for financial soundness would be different according to whether they're subject to examination or if 「The Act on the Structural Improvement of the Financial Industry」 is applicable.
The FSS would also examine whether the applicant has professional manpower.
The applicant should have 5 or more professional resources with 2 or more years of experience at the time of application.
This is because professionals are capable of and responsible for the protection of users. The FSS examines the adequacy of competencies of professionals based on the supporting documents submitted.
Whether the applicant possesses sufficient physical facilities for user protection and performance of work is also significant.
The Physical facilities include computerized equipment, backup devices, various programs, information protection system and facilities of the computer room.
For more information, please check the video below
If you're thinking of establishing a private equity investment business in Korea, your company would first have to become a licensed general private equity fund by obtaining approval from the Financial Services Commission and the Financial Supervisory Service in accordance with the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act.
There are a total of 5 registration steps.
There are a total of 7 requirements reviewed by the FSS
For more information, please check the video below
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